
Showing posts from December, 2019

Top 11 CrossFit Pros and Cons 2020

I guarantee that any fitness enthusiast that has even moderate knowledge of the latest exercise trends is conversant with CrossFit. CrossFit, originally created in the year 2000, has emerged as one of the most popular exercise phenomena around the globe. There are millions of individuals who log onto the CrossFit website to perform the WOD posted (WOD stands for Work of the Day). These WODs are often created by their local gyms, also known as “box.” There is an unbridled enthusiasm when it comes to CrossFit with all the never-ending amount of people signing up. Let’s start by defining what CrossFit it. What is CrossFit? CrossFit can be defined in the following ways: A fitness program using weightlifting, cardio-based exercises, and gymnastics with the sole aim of creating athletes that are well-rounded and fit. It is a class-based exercise regimen that encourages goal-setting, team participation, and challenges. Another way to define CrossFit is that it is a training m